Phone: 813-956-2228

Get the healthcare you need while staying safe at home! Call and schedule your virtual doctor visit today.

Our virtual house call with video is a web visit that includes face-to-face conferencing with Tymur Chepi-ipa provider. For established patients, web visits, with and without video, are available to diagnose and treat your health concerns. Using a secure online platform, patients can confidently consult with ProMedTC, LLC. Necessary prescriptions are communicated electronically to the pharmacy.

Available to patients who have been seen in our office, virtual house calls are commonly used to evaluate and treat:

  • Common cold and upper respiratory infection symptoms
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Medication refills (exclusive of pain medications)
  • Review lab and diagnostic test results

Below, we have answered any questions you might have about our Telehealth service.

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth uses modern technologies like smartphones, computers, and web cameras to exchange health information over the Internet. It makes it possible to receive a diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic health problems, no matter where you are in the world.

Telehealth has existed for several decades. The process is convenient, hassle-free, and covered by most insurance plans.

What are the advantages of telehealth?

Telehealth offers a variety of advantages. For one, it makes it possible to meet with your primary care physician from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere with privacy. That’s particularly beneficial if you’re sick and possibly contagious or immunocompromised and don’t want to be exposed to others.

If you care for children or an elderly loved one, telehealth offers convenience. You can receive the health care you need without having to find a babysitter or paid caretaker.

For people who live in rural areas or those who lead busy professional lives, telehealth makes it possible to meet with doctors and specialists you might not be able to interact with otherwise.

What are some of the services that telehealth provides?

At ProMedTC, LLC, Tymur uses telehealth appointments to provide various services, including:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of acute health problems
  • Treatment and management of chronic health problems
  • Refilling prescription medications
  • Reviewing the results of laboratory tests or diagnostic imaging
  • Assessing treatment progress

Tymur also uses telehealth to provide nutritional counseling and other professional weight management services.

What happens during a telehealth appointment?

At ProMedTC, LLC, no two telehealth appointments are exactly alike. Tymur tailors the appointment based on your age, medical history, and individual needs.

For example, if you need treatment for an acute health problem, like a sore throat, fever, or urinary tract infection, Tymur asks about your symptoms, including when they started and their severity.

Next, Tymur might ask you to point your web camera at your mouth, abdomen, or another part of your body to conduct an assessment.

If he needs more information or details, he asks you to visit the office.

If your condition requires a prescription, he can send it electronically to your pharmacy.

Does insurance cover telehealth visits?

It depends. Most major insurance providers, including Medicaid, offer coverage. If you have questions about your policy, contact your insurance provider before scheduling a telehealth appointment at ProMedTC, LLC.

To learn more about the benefits of telehealth, make an appointment at ProMedTC, LLC by calling the office or scheduling online today. Contact us directly today.