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ADHD Management Q & A

What is ADHD management?

ADHD management provides comprehensive treatment for adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a behavioral disorder characterized by difficulty paying attention and impulsive behavior. Even though the condition is called adult ADHD, symptoms often occur during childhood or adolescence.

There’s no cure for ADHD, but with intervention and treatment, it’s possible to reduce uncomfortable symptoms and prevent them from getting worse.

Who can benefit from ADHD management?

You might benefit from ADHD management at ProMedTC, LLC if you experience symptoms such as:

  • Impulsiveness
  • Poor time management skills
  • Trouble multitasking
  • Poor planning
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Hot temper
  • Problems handling stress

You might also benefit from ADHD management if you have problems focusing or rarely follow through or complete assigned tasks.

When should I visit a doctor for ADHD management?

Everyone has trouble focusing from time to time. Still, if your symptoms occur daily or they interfere with your performance at work or school, it may point to an underlying medical condition. Tymur can determine the source of your symptoms and develop a custom care plan to improve your quality of life.

What does ADHD management involve?

At ProMedTC, LLC, ADHD management begins with a review of your medical history and a discussion of your symptoms, including when they started and when they’re most noticeable.

Next, Tymur conducts a physical exam, as well as a series of psychological tests, and has you fill out an ADHD questionnaire. After gathering that information, Tymur makes a diagnosis and develops a custom treatment plan.

Often, ADHD management involves a multi-faceted treatment approach that includes:

Prescription Medication

If you have trouble focusing or sitting still for long periods, Tymur might recommend a prescription medication like stimulants or antidepressants. Stimulants help balance your brain chemistry, making it easier to stay on task, while antidepressants can reduce feelings of nervousness or anxiety.

Psychological Counseling

You might also benefit from talk therapy or counseling. Working with a counselor can improve your time management and organizational skills, improve your self-esteem, and help you develop strategies for staying on task and controlling your temper.

Lifestyle Changes

Medication and counseling aren’t always enough to ease the uncomfortable symptoms of ADHD. As a result, Tymur might recommend steps you can take at home or work to stay on task. Examples include making a to-do list every morning, keeping an appointment book, or sticking to a daily routine.

To receive ADHD management, make an appointment at ProMedTC, LLC by calling the office today or clicking the online scheduling tool.